Welcome to Early Years Foundation Stage

In Early Years, learning takes places both inside and outside. The children have lots of opportunities to learn through play, exploring and developing learning experiences which help them make sense of the world. They become independent learners who think creatively as they investigate and solve problems.



This half-term our topic is 'On the Farm' we will be learning all about the different farm animals as well as what food comes from a farm. As part of this learning we will be introducing healthy foods and thinking about what we can do to make healthy choices. We will also be exploring life cycles of plants and animals such as frogs.

The last week of term we will be learning all about Easter. 

We will be starting our weekly forest school sessions with Ms Tracey and are looking forward to exploring the outdoor space and taking risk to develop our confidence and sense of self. 

Trips/Visitors/Parental Engagament 

This half-term we will have two parental engagement events a reading morning and a Easter craft morning.

Nursery are hoping to have a visit from a mobile farm this term and will also be having an 'On The Farm' dress up day. 




This half term our topic is called 'All Around the World'.  The children will be travelling around the world discovering different countries, cultures and beliefs. Through stories, photographs, videos and real-life objects they will begin to understand about how other cultures and countries may be similar or different to our life in England. The children will begin their adventure in the United Kingdom learning about London and the history of Guy Fawkes. They will then travel to India to learn about the Hindu celebration of Diwali. Other countries on our whistle stop tour include; Israel, USA, Indonesia and Jerusalem when learning about Hanukkah, Thanksgiving, Eid Muburak and Christmas.

Trips/Visitors/Parental Engagement:

EYFS will be putting on the performance of 'The Nativity' for parents and carers to watch.

EYFS are hosting a Christmas Craft Morning. 


Julia Donaldson Classroom

Outdoor Area

Alex Scheffler Classroom

Phonics in EYFS

At Haimo we follow the 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised' programme to teach phonics.

In the Nursery, children start Phase 1, which concentrates on developing speaking and listening skills.

In Reception, phonics becomes a big part of everyday life. The children work on Phase 2, 3 and 4 throughout the year.

In Phase 2, children begin to learn the sounds that letters make (phonemes). Phase 3 introduces the remaining, more difficult and less commonly used phonemes. Phase 4 provides many opportunities to consolidate and refine phonic knowledge, while introducing more spelling patterns, tricky words and increasing children's vocabulary. 


Below are some 'helping- at home' websites that Parents and Carers may find useful. 






We are using Tapestry as our online learning journal provider in Early Years. Please click here to find out more.

Welcome to Early Years Foundation Stage

In Early Years, learning takes places both inside and outside. The children have lots of opportunities to learn through play, exploring and developing learning experiences which help them make sense of the world. They become independent learners who think creatively as they investigate and solve problems.



This half-term our topic is 'On the Farm' we will be learning all about the different farm animals as well as what food comes from a farm. As part of this learning we will be introducing healthy foods and thinking about what we can do to make healthy choices. We will also be exploring life cycles of plants and animals such as frogs.

The last week of term we will be learning all about Easter. 

We will be starting our weekly forest school sessions with Ms Tracey and are looking forward to exploring the outdoor space and taking risk to develop our confidence and sense of self. 

Trips/Visitors/Parental Engagament 

This half-term we will have two parental engagement events a reading morning and a Easter craft morning.

Nursery are hoping to have a visit from a mobile farm this term and will also be having an 'On The Farm' dress up day. 




This half term our topic is called 'All Around the World'.  The children will be travelling around the world discovering different countries, cultures and beliefs. Through stories, photographs, videos and real-life objects they will begin to understand about how other cultures and countries may be similar or different to our life in England. The children will begin their adventure in the United Kingdom learning about London and the history of Guy Fawkes. They will then travel to India to learn about the Hindu celebration of Diwali. Other countries on our whistle stop tour include; Israel, USA, Indonesia and Jerusalem when learning about Hanukkah, Thanksgiving, Eid Muburak and Christmas.

Trips/Visitors/Parental Engagement:

EYFS will be putting on the performance of 'The Nativity' for parents and carers to watch.

EYFS are hosting a Christmas Craft Morning. 


Julia Donaldson Classroom

Outdoor Area

Alex Scheffler Classroom

Phonics in EYFS

At Haimo we follow the 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised' programme to teach phonics.

In the Nursery, children start Phase 1, which concentrates on developing speaking and listening skills.

In Reception, phonics becomes a big part of everyday life. The children work on Phase 2, 3 and 4 throughout the year.

In Phase 2, children begin to learn the sounds that letters make (phonemes). Phase 3 introduces the remaining, more difficult and less commonly used phonemes. Phase 4 provides many opportunities to consolidate and refine phonic knowledge, while introducing more spelling patterns, tricky words and increasing children's vocabulary. 


Below are some 'helping- at home' websites that Parents and Carers may find useful. 






We are using Tapestry as our online learning journal provider in Early Years. Please click here to find out more.